Academy New Chance
EBOOK - Free Yourself from Masturbation and Pornography!
Effective Body Restart in 90 Days! Cure Your Body of Diseases Caused by Masturbation and Pornography!
The Ebook is aimed at men regardless of age or place of residence. Each of us fights the temptation of masturbation and pornography!
If you want to change your life so far and free yourself from masturbation and pornography. Your best life is just ahead of you!
If you are struggling with countless ailments but doctors tell you that you are healthy. But despite the efforts, you still feel worse and you don't know how to deal with all this!
If your life is filled with pornography and your thoughts at the sight of a woman are filled with sexual fantasies!
If you are addicted to masturbation and pornography and you do not know how to deal with it!
If you are lost and you don't know how to live on and you don't know how to change your life!
12 years of fighting addiction and attempts to overcome the internal temptation of masturbation and pornography.
From an early age I was addicted to this terrible addiction. I fell into the hardest addiction to my life. But today, thanks to Chinese medicine and my 12 -year fight, I am completely clean.
I have a new life! 🙂
Today I help and show how to get out of this addiction!
The ebook is based on the knowledge of Chinese medicine and my 12 -year experience of fighting masturbation and pornography!
Diet description, which has a huge impact on accelerating the regeneration process of our body!
Specialized exercises that affect the acceleration of our brain regeneration!
Exercises that help stop night leaks!
You will receive only practical tips without an unnecessary description!
Comprehensive knowledge!
It is a combination of knowledge of Chinese medicine and life practice of an addict. The specifics and valuable tips!
You will receive tips on what exercises to do to speed up the regeneration process of your body and learn what exercises to do to stop night semen leaks!
Unique bonuses!
Unique bonuses available only in combination with Book!
Practical tips!
You will receive tips on how to consciously build a new life free from masturbation and pornography!
Regeneration of the body!
Indication of diet, exercises and daily routine, which has a huge impact on the acceleration of the regeneration process of our body!
You will learn how to effectively regenerate your body and cure diseases caused by masturbation and pornography!
The ebook contains the following chapters:
• Entry
• Health cultivation, how to overcome addiction and reprogram your brain
• Long seat and will damage our body (kidneys)
• Sports and exercises (physical activity as a key element of recovery)
• Diet accelerating the recovery process
• Sleep and sleep hygiene, mind regeneration
• Social Media as a harmful element of recovery
• Morning routine
• Night emissions
• The process of recovery
• Diseases and ailments caused by masturbation
• Sexual fantasies, an effective way to reprogram the brain
• Pornography, masturbation, and their harmful impact on the body
• Morning erection
• Choosing motivation for recovery
An effective body restart in 90 days!
Cure your body from diseases caused by masturbation and pornography!
- You'll be more energetic
- Your concentration will improve
- you will be easier to perform the tasks and goals you set for yourself
- you will become more open in the conversation
- You'll be much more confident
- you will start to talk to women in a simpler way
- You will feel a great pride in overcoming addiction
- you can easily build new, positive habits
- You will have energy to build sources of income, figure, knowledge, etc.
Academy New Chance